RIC holds a Master Services Agreement with the Kansas City Southern Railway Company (KCS) and serves them on a systemwide basis. KCS wished to address a bridge replacement, operations, and speed restrictions throughout the DeQueen Corridor.
RIC served KCS as the overall Project Manager, coordinating all activity for the design of a new 148’ long bridge and approximately 1100 feet of new mainline track as part of the DeQueen project. The project goal was to have the proposed mainline for 40 MPH and the connection of several yard tracks associated with the construction of the proposed mainline track.
RIC coordinated with Geotechnical, Environmental, and the KCS Bridge Consultant to ensure seamless integration of all design components of the project. Our work also included all utility coordination and the field location of all crossings under the proposed track including two active sanitary sewer lines (1−10” and 1 – 15”), a 12” water transmission main that served the City of DeQueen and an 8” high-pressure gas main. This project is currently on hold at 60% design, as we stand by for further communications from KCS.